
Mapoet Niphy


  • GNSS数据格式
  • File Type Version Version Date File Name Description
    Observation 2.10 10 December 2007 Observation Rinex v2.10.html RINEX format for GPS and GLONASS observations.
    2.11 10 December 2007 Observation Rinex v2.11.html RINEX format for GPS and GLONASS observations.
    3.01 22 June 2009 Observation Rinex v3.01.html RINEX format for GPS and GLONASS observations.
    Navigation 2.11 10 December 2007 GLONASS Navigation Rinex v2.11.html RINEX format for GLONASS Navigation Message File.
    2.11 10 December 2007 GPS Navigation Rinex v2.11.html RINEX format for GPS Navigation Message File.
    3.01 22 June 2009 SBAS Navigation Rinex v3.01.html RINEX format for the complete broadcast data of Space-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS).
    4.00 - GPS Navigation Rinex v4 (CNAV).html Unofficial RINEX format by MGEX to save LNAV and CNAV GPS navigation messages.
    Ionospheric 1.00 25 February 1998 IONEX v1.0.html IONEX format for ionosphere models determined by processing data of a GNSS tracking network.
    Clocks 3.00 14 November 2006 RINEX CLOCKS v3.00.html RINEX format for satellite and receiver clock offsets determined by processing data of a GNSS tracking network.
    Antenna 1.3 20 September 2006 ANTEX v1.3.html ANTEX format for Phase Center Offsets (PCOs) and Phase Center Variations (PCVs) of geodetic GNSS antennae.
    Precise Products C 12 February 2007 SP3 Version C.html SP3 format for GNSS orbit and clock solutions.
    More information can be got from Standards and Data Formats.
  • GNSS数据说明
  • Variable Type

    FORTRAN Format Example Description
    Integer In I4 : '2010' A 'n' position integer.
    Note it can be specified the minimum lenght of the integer by including a number after the floating point symbol. This forces the number to be padded, even with zeros.
    I5 : ' 2010'
    I3.3 : '010'
    Float Fn.m F8.2 : '-1402.50' A 'n' position double with 'm' decimal positions.
    Note 'n' includes sign space and the floating point symbol.
    F8.2 : ' 1402.50'
    F7.3 : ' 44.000'
    Exponential Dn.m D12.2 : '-1402.50D+02' A 'n' position exponential double with 'm' decimal positions.
    Note 'n' is the total lenght of the exponential number, this includes sign space, the floating point symbol and the exponent itself.
    In order to account for the various compilers, E,e,D, and d are allowed letters between the fraction and exponent of all floating point numbers in the navigation message files of RINEX v3.01. Zero-padded two-digit exponents are required, however.
    D12.4 : '-0.1966D+06'
    E12.3 : '44.000E+006'
    e12.3 : '-44.000E+006'
    Characters An A7 : 'GLONASS' A 'n' position character.
    Note this includes empty characters.
    A2: ' E'
    Empty Fields nX 1X : ' ' A 'n' empty characters.
    The fields that are defined as blanks are reserved fields which must remain blank as may be used in future versions.
  • 其他说明
  • 文件类型列表
    导航及测绘类文件格式 Rinex 2.11
    Rinex 3.04
    Rinex 4.00
    The Extended Standard Product 3 Orbit Format (SP3-c)
    IONEX 1.1
    SINEX 1.00
    GTEX 1.00
    导航及测绘类文献 Computation of TEC and Rate of TEC Index (ROTI) from GOCE GPS
    How to use CODE’s Global Ionosphere Maps
    Temporal and Spatial Variations of Storm Time Midlatitude Ionospheric Trough Based on Global GNSS-TEC and Arase Satellite Observations
    ITRF2008 与 CGCS2000 坐标系的转换